So is it ever ok to be angry? We are taught so often that 'thou shalt not murder' translates to if you have bad thoughts about anyone its the same as murder. That if you become angry it is a sin. But doesn't anger just show passion, show a deep love, show a strong desire to change things.
Maybe it depends on what we are angry about, are we angry about things that we should be angry about? But then is that not so hard to determine when there is so many other human emotions caught up with anger.
So how should we respond if not with anger? Im not talking about the niggly annoying things that get under our skin, sure i am rubbish at dealing with them to but it is clear to see that I need to work on my patience, understanding, reactions on these things but does the same apply to big things. Didn't Jesus get angry when he saw wrong doing?
I know that in anger we often do things that we regret, that we don't set a good example and that we really are just plain silly when you look at it but there are somethings that just aren't right! But why do I never direct the anger where it should be directed? Either it simmers and someone or something totally unrelated cops it or God gets to hear me rant away. So maybe getting angry isn't the issue its whether I direct it in a good way, into changing something I see as a bad, anger making thing into a work for God. And to allow the righteous anger in me about wrong doing, fuel a fire to want to see God in everything. The tough one though will be the unchangeable the illness, the hurts, the things we have no control over the things that tear at our very outlook on the world. At least even when there is dark there is always light, when I cry I know God cries with me, I know he gets the pain I feel and oh so much more and that is why I know its ok.
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